How best serve service of process successfully. Process service can get out of hand very easily. As the law goes, not all defendants will want to be served with the court documents. And because not receiving the court documents is an actual defense in court, they …
What to expect as a paralegal. Before becoming a paralegal, it is important to understand what you are getting yourself into. For starters, do you know who a paralegal is? By legal definition, a paralegal is a qualified individual, either by education or experience, who is …
Defining the Canadian paralegal. Defining the Canadian paralegal. In Canada, being a paralegal is highly determined by the province in which you work. Of course, your general role is the same; offering affordable legal services to the firm’s clients. The distinctions in your role will come …
Who can be a paralegal? Being a paralegal is not as easy as some may think. It takes a lot of time, planning and dedication. From the beginning to looking for the job down to when you get the job, being a paralegal takes a lot …
Is being a paralegal worth it? Many people look at being a paralegal as a small job that pays close to nothing. The outlook is that of a simple office assistant who simply fulfils requests as needed without any thought or personal input. However, being a …
What do paralegals do in a law firm? For the longest time, it was thought that all a paralegal was hired to do is follow lawyers around doing their bidding. Essentially, paralegals were thought to be lawyer’s assistant, much like personal assistants. This could not be …